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:: Sunday, August 19, 2007

OMG! I am CPC. So far, one week has passed quickly without any major cock ups.2 more weeks to go! Hopefully, I will learn more things faster through this tenure of mine. Its actually quite fun to be in-charge as you can finally voice your targets and anything you are displeased about the platoon without fear of being insulted whatsoever. Time is starting to pass quite fast...maybe its because we are being punished less frequently...doing less push-ups.HAHA! Alright, enough for now!

-To Lead, To Excel, To Overcome-


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:: Sunday, July 22, 2007

Come to think of it, I haven't been communicating with a wide range of people. My friends, close friends and acquaintances have been people within my frequency. In NS, I finally realised that there are so many more people out there who are totally in a world I never imagined. To speak to these people is really so new and fresh such that sometimes it's hard to believe this is actually Singapore.

I am so ignorant to all these.It's time I wake up my idea. Speaking of which, great power comes with great responsibility. Am I able to shoulder the burden? Am I able to endure 8 more months that will gradually get tougher?

-To Lead, To Excel, To Overcome-


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:: Wednesday, June 13, 2007

POP LOH!!!!!!
Finally BMT has officially come to an end. No more Guard Duty...No more Confinement...No more 'NEVER MIND WHOLE LOT KNOCK IT DOWN!!!' for at least the next 12 days or so. I can safely say that the whole of BMT was a really new and fresh experience. I never knew I was so blur until I got there. Even after 2 months or so, I still find myself quite a blur person.Aawwwww. Thank goodness I have a buddy that will always help whenever I need it although he has a caustic tongue and a penchant for 'xia lanning' people. My commanders were great too! Platoon Sergeant is charismatic with his trademark hand sign when he is disciplining us.The other sergeants have their own habits and funny catch-phrases too. All these help to make BMT life much more interesting or bearable for some.

Handling of Weapons was quite a new experience for me. Luckily, all thanks to everyone...I was able to pick up quickly. Firing was shiok! Hitting target even more shiok!! But good things about firearms comes to an end there. Drop rifle once = carry on 20. Didn't oil properly = tio scolded by armskote seargeant and carry on unknown number. Don't hold weapon properly = get scolded. Leave weapon without any rounds inside = Guard Duty or Confinement + (sergeant laugh at you and give you the it's your problem look). Didn't easespring or close dust cover = unknown punishment...but if it's a is bad.BOO...

Come to BMTC also learn combat skills. They call it BCCT. Honestly, we do look a little bit like fighting clowns when we do it. Just looking at some people kick and punch the air can make you laugh more than you normally do when watching Mr Bean. Kicking and punching around in uniform just doesn't look right. Some people's pants are so baggy they look like rappers out to pick a fight.SOC was fun, it's like a playground for soldiers. But this notion is probably only true to those who can complete the SOC in the allocated timing and are just trying to better their time. I especially like things high up like the balancing log thing cuz it's quite fun to balance on a high place.EXCITING AH! HAHA!

Out Field!!! AAAAHHHHH! Everytime we go out field, main form of transportation to camp site is bus 11. And after all the travelling and singing...we get tekan when we arrive at the camp site.Field camp and Sit test...all also got free push-up with LBV on. Other than the punishment, the things we learn are rather interesting. Too bad I didn't spend more time learning how to tie better and more secure knots,if I did, my Sit test won't have so many failures.HAHA!!!

Throwing of live grenade was again a great waiting experience. In the army, one gets to wait to rush and rush to wait. I spent half a day waiting for my turn to throw the darn grenade. The wait gets very annoying everytime especially when recruits are not allowed to bring any devices to entertain themselves. So, if sleeping is not allowed, you get 200 grumpy recruits swearing at the commanders under their breath.

The dreaded 24km route march was like a fast stroll in the park. After the first 12km, my soles were aching like crazy.However, there was a long break for dinner to compensate for all the fatigue built up during the first 12km. From the 12km to the 20km mark, we were literally zooming on the road. Silhouettes of the trees on the sides of the roads were blurry as we marched down the road in the night. Though it felt like ages before we reached our checkpoint(which is after every 4km) we always pulled through despite the load and sianness of the situation.Finally, after all the singing and mutual motivation we shared with one another, we arrived at company line before midnight. Though the feeling wasn't orgasmic like what the CO said it would be like, I felt glad that I had went through the most gruelling challenge BMT could throw at me. =D

After the 24km route march, we had quite a lot of admin time.Meaning, time for ourselves where we could do what we wanted.In addition to that, we had a lot more drill practices to prepare for the graduation parade. Graduation parade had no hiccups that I could think of. Hence, I would say it was a GREAT SUCCESS!!!

Here, I am now.Back at home chilling. In a few days' time, I would be posted to my new unit with new challenges ahead. Strive on I shall !! =D


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:: Saturday, June 09, 2007

BMTC was fun. Nice experience.Will blog more once I POP. Snow and Serene please wait.Sorry for the inconvenience caused.=D


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:: Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This blog may be neglected for a few weeks, but readers do not fret cuz army will be so full of stuff (or nonsense) to blog about that my posts may become exponentially longer than what I usually type. So all the best to myself and all the other yet-to-be-Tekongnians.^_^ Time to eat!


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:: Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A few more days and I will be entering the Army as Recruit Lim. My jungle of a head will be deforested to a planetary orb devoid of foliage. My skin which has been pampared by the evening sun shall face the scorching heat of the Tekong afternoon. There would be no Ramen, or Sushi or even Char Kway Teow there to fill my tummy,only mee and rice.My life will change drastically but I will make new friends, and test my physical limits. It's my chance to train with my peers and improve along with them. Many say that BMT is the best phase of military training unless you are admitted into OCS. Hence, I will make the best out of my BMT. Hopefully my peers will have the same sentiments that I do, or hopefully, even more enthusiastic spirits.

Photography. I always have had a little interest in beautiful photos. Now that I have the chance to learn something, I should really take this opportunity to learn something that interests me. Maybe someday I would be able to take photos that are good enough to go along with quotes by famous people. Haha. That would be a dream!

My computer gets disconnected easily. Anyone knows how to solve this problem? Maybe this could be a blessing in disguise all along, preventing me from playing too much dota. yayzZzZzzzz...Oh yeah, I am really a big eater if I am really hungry.

This goes to show that I do have the potential to put on weight. For those of you wondering about that bottle of Heineken, yes , I did have a mug or two from it. It tastes like Tiger though. Anyone interested in night makan at Old Airport Road hawker centre please tag me. Honestly, the hawker fare there is IMBA! Throw a stone at 10 of the stalls there and 2 would have been visted my makansutra. 3 out of the 10 would have been visited by the now defunct Chen Ren Za Zhi show. 7 of the remaining 10 would have been interviewed by the chinese newspapers. Haha. Tempting? It's cheap too! ^_^ Time to eat!


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:: Friday, March 16, 2007

Yesterday was the Festival of Chicken.Supposed to send Anan off before he become botak but too bad, he couldn't make it.AAWW. In the end, 6 of GD ended up having an outing to Seoul Garden to makan all the chicken they had cuz no pork and no beef. Kenneth and I took one mountain of chicken. Eat finish liao I still don't feel full. Can eat more. But Seoul Garden closing le. So sad, if not, More chicken = more luck. Cuz more birds = more luck. After the Festival. We chatted at the steps of the MRT about army stuff. LOLX, cannot find a better place to talk,must talk at the steps.HAHA.

In a few more weeks' time, I will be botak and serving NS. Hope I won't be a blur cock and hai my platoon-mates. Hope my platoon got no blur-cocks too. So long never botak le, I wonder how it will feel like sia. I hope my head wun chao ta as it has not seen the Sun for ages.Wait develop phobia to light, then huat liao. Then more weeks no dota...ZZZZzzzzz sian. Hope army will be a breeze for me.LOLX, meaning...if I tio either Mohawk, Ninja or Orion, I will not have my wish fulfilled. Better start training soon, or xia suay myself at Tekong. Time to eat!


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